Absent Today?

  • Call the Attendance line at 519-578-8330, press 1 when prompted, to leave a message before the school day begins.  Please speak clearly and leave a message stating the student’s first and last names, spell both names, and state the reason for the absence.  The attendance line is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.


  • Email chc-attendance@wrdsb.ca with student’s first and last name, the length and reason for the absence, your relationship to the student.

Validate a Previous Day’s Absence

  • Call the Attendance line and leave a message, please speak clearly, state the student’s first and last names, spell both names, and state the reason for the absence and the exact dates of the absence.
  • or email the information to chc-attendance@wrdsb.ca

Prolonged Illness

  • Call the Attendance line.