“The aim of all IB programmes is to develop internationally minded people who recognize their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet… IB programmes therefore provide students with opportunities for sustained inquiry into a range of local and global issues and ideas”


CHCI IB Application Form for grade 9 2025-2026: Now closed. We will begin accepting registrations for 2026-2027 on Dec. 1, 2025.

Admission decisions for incoming grade 9 applicants will be emailed to caregivers on February 7, 2025 starting at 4 pm. (Please double check the “parent email address” at the time of application and also your spam folders on February 7.) You will be required to provide a confirmation of acceptance by February 14 at 3 pm.

Online Applications for late entry: see below

The WRDSB does not provide transportation to CHCI for IB students unless they live within the CHCI bussing eligibility zone. The fees schedule is found at the bottom of this page.

Students whose HOME SECONDARY SCHOOL is in Cambridge MUST apply to GPSS. Check your address here: bpweb.stswr.ca/Eligibility

If you are planning to move to the area, you can apply when you have moved and can show proof of residence.

Grade 8 FAQ for grade 8 students and their adults

We encourage applications from grade 8 students who love learning, are internationally-minded, and see themselves in the IB Learner Profile attributes.

  1. You will need to upload a copy of your grade 7 report card from June (and grade 8 Interim Report, if available)
  2.  The student will provide a brief answer to 2 questions on the application. This must be completed by the student. a. Why do you want to come to Cameron Heights for the Ib programme? b. Choose 2 of the IB learner attributes from the profile and describe how they connect to you.
  3. Let your guidance counsellor know that you have applied.

Please note: We typically receive over 400 applications for 225 seats. We are unable to respond to phone or email inquiries checking to see if we have received everything or for an update on admission status. Likewise, we cannot accommodate individual requests to review a student’s application. Students who are not selected will not receive feedback; however, they are welcome to apply for late entry in the following year.


Online Application for late entry: grade 10 or 11 in September 2025 (opens Dec. 1 and closes Jan. 10) Admission will depend on space in the programme.

Admission decisions for late entry will be emailed to caregivers on February 14, 2025. (Please double check the “parent email address” at the time of application and also your spam folders on February 14.) You will be required to provide a confirmation of acceptance by February 21 at 3 pm.

CHCI IB Application for late entry (grade 10 2025-2026)  OPEN December 1, 2024 and CLOSE January 10, 2025

CHCI IB Application for late entry (grade 11 2025-2026)  OPEN December 1, 2024 and CLOSE January 10, 2025

  1. You will need to upload a copy of your recent report cards as well as your Graduation Summary (ask your current guidance counsellor for this).
  2. If accepted, you will be asked to provide us with your course selections and complete the registration.  Details will be provided in your offer email.



IB Fees for FULL DIPLOMA – Incoming Grade 8 Students September 2025 — Fees are approximate and are subject to change.

(Students Graduating in June 2028)

Grade When Collected Amount
9 October 2024 – gr 9 $400
10 September 2025 – gr 10 $400
11 September 2026 – gr 11 $1250
12 September 2027 – gr 12 $1250
Total Fees Collected $3300

Fees for grade 9 are to be paid in School Day by October 30 of the grade 9 year.