March 21st, 2023
Students – mostly in Grade 10, who are attempting the OSSLT for the first time – will write the assessment on the morning of Tuesday, April 4th. This test is one way in which students may demonstrate the Literacy Graduation Requirement. The OSSLT will be administered in their homeroom classes, or in another designated writing space; students will be provided the entire morning to complete the test (with additional/extra time where required).
To aid students in preparing for the test, there will be a Practice Test opportunity provided on Tuesday, March 28th. This opportunity will be similar in structure to the actual OSSLT being written on Tuesday, April 4th.
On both March 28th and April 4th, classes for all other, non-OSSLT writing students will proceed as usual. Both days will be regular, instructional days.
To prepare for and feel more comfortable accessing this online assessment, students are also encouraged to complete the following activities (some, limited time to complete these activities will also be provided during their afternoon classes):
- Tools and Resources SLIDEDECK – review to get ready for the test
- OSSLT Preparation Course – D2L-CHCI OSSLT Preparation (let you teacher know if you are having any issues accessing the module)
- Practice Literacy Test – an additional resource provide by EQAO
- Scavenger Hunt – an activity to help you get prepared (may be completed in conjunction with the Practice Literacy Test)
Students are encouraged, if they have any questions, to connect with their Homeroom teachers.
Cameron Heights Administration